Recently I was the recipient of the above awards from 3 fellow bloggers. Thanks Ladies!
Here are the rules for accepting the awards:
- Thank and link back to the person/people who gave you the award - Done
- Share 7 things about yourself - See below
- Award 15 other bloggers - See below
- Contact those bloggers to tell them about the award - Done
- I learned to snowboard when I was in college and I LOVE it! I now live in the Midwest and the "ski hills" as they like to call them here just plain suck. Hopefully someday I'll be able to spend at least one week a year skiing in the Rockies, where only TRUE mountains live.
- I just read "Skinny Bitch" and I think its going to push me over to the vegan column. This really isn't a book about being skinny, but more about really actually THINKING about what you put in your body. We have become sooooo oblivious to understanding where our food actually comes from.
- My favorite job EVER was a bartender in a blues bar in college. Its such a blast being behind a bar in a packed place with fantastic music playing. The energy will keep you going for days.
- Speaking of music, I want to take up piano and/or flute lessons again. I used to play piano and flute but dropped them when I entered high school.
- The two foods I can't STAND, to the point of wanting to vomit if they get close to my house are bananas and yogurt. I don't remember the last time I've had a banana and I don't think I've even tried yogurt because that smell makes my stomach lurch... excuse me while I go puke in my mouth a bit.
- If I could do it all over again, I'd be a dancer, a backup dancer for Madonna or something amazingly fun like that. I danced in college (no, not THAT kind...) and found a way to express myself and felt SO amazingly comfortable in my own body. Now my body is just blobby and bloated from IVF. BOOOO and I have a wonderful hubby who doesn't like to dance... ever.
- My dog is so cute that I want to squeeze her too hard and pop her head of. I hope I don't do that when I have kids... LOL!
Now, the
A Little Blog about the Big Infertility
Adventures in Infertility Land
Cooking with Gas
Infertility Unexplained
More Room in My Heart
Waiting for a Baby Bump
Infertility Musings
Roccie Road
Stork Stalking
The Infertile Farmer
Happy Award-ing!