Here are a few phrases that describe the things that may potentially causing our lack of baby: Premature Lutenization, Recurrent Implantation Failure, Diminished Ovarian Reserve (read "Crappy Eggs"), Insulin Resistant, Mild Immune Issues...
- Feb - Started trying
- Aug - Started worrying and wondering why it wasn't working
- Nov - Started taking my basal body temperature ("charting")
- Jan - First appointment with RE #1. Decided to try some IUIs. At this point we just feel maybe we need a little 'kick start' with some hormones.
- Feb - Tons of test, including the ever popular HSG (ugh). All come back normal.
- March - IUI #1 w/ clomid - BFN
- April - IUI #2 w/ clomid - BFN
- May - IUI #3 w/ clomid - BFN
- June - Started TCM with Acupuncturist #1 and taking 'tea pills' of chinese herbs hoping to get rid of my 'liver qi stagnation'
- July - RE#1 pushes towards IVF before we get too 'old' (in hindsight, maybe we should have listened to her). We weren't ready and decided to take a break, but continue with TCM.
- Nov - Decide to go to new clinic. Meet RE#2. Decide to try a few more IUIs before going to IVF. She says, "You guys should be pregnant. On paper you look fantastic"
- Dec - IUI #4 w/ letrozole - BFN
- Jan - IUI #5 w/ letrozole - BFN. RE#2 suggests in a much nicer way that we move to IVF. We agree.
- April - IVF #1 - agonist protocol, gonal-f - 16 eggs retrieved, transfer 2 grade A blasts on day 5 , freeze 2 hatching blasts on day 6, progesterone high on day of trigger - Chemical. Sad, but a slight bit of hope.
- June - FET #1 - 2 grade A day 6 hatching blasts transferred - BFN
- Sept - IVF #2 - agonist protocol, gonal-f - 12 eggs retrieved, transferred 3 'good but not great' blasts on day 5, none to freeze, progesterone high on day of trigger - BFN
- Nov - Spend remainder of the year researching why this isn't working for us
- Dec - 2nd opinion consult with RE #3. Thinks I may have implantation issues and possible endometriosis because of the patterns in my bbt charts. First time an RE even looked at those.
- Jan - Exploratory Laparoscopy - 1 small spot of endometriosis found, 1 small spot of inflamed tissue. All removed. Think that maybe, this could be it!
- Feb - Decide to try Acupuncturist #2 and TCM and try to concieve naturally now that I have a 'fresh start'
- June - Getting frustrated and wonder if maybe there are some immune issues. Free phone consult with RE #4. Orders immunology blood workup.
- July - Found some mild possible immune issues: MTHFR, borderline APAs, high CD56+ and also Insulin resistance. Started Metformin, extra Vitamin B6 and baby asprin daily.
- Aug- Found a clinical trial with RE #5 and go through testing to see if I qualify.
- Sept - Testing all clear, confirmed spot in trial
- Oct - IVF #3 - Antagonist protocol, follistim, 2 4cell day 3 embryos transferred... Chemical. Back to the drawing board.
- Nov - WTF apts w/ RE #5 & RE #2 - say my egg quality sucks. I could try again, but would have better succes with donor eggs or adoption.
- Jan - IVF #4 - Antagonist protocol, gonal-f & menopur, 14 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, high progesterone on day of trigger, decided to freeze most on day 2, but still transferred the 2 lower quality one on day 2 for kicks.... ANOTHER CHEMICAL!!!